Diamond Jubilee Events
London’s gay scene is buzzing with Diamond Jubilee events.
At G-A-Y Bar and G-A-Y Late you’ll have join the patriotic bandwagon as they’re mixing up G-A-Y ‘Rule Britannia Cocktail Jugs’ fit for all queens and Gays.
And you can win a real Diamond .( G-A-Y late / G-A-Y Bar june,3 to june,5 )
The Hoist are gonna’ get your rocks off and make you play hard for a long, fun and of course, punishing weekend. (june,1 to june,4)
Tonker celebrates the Royal Weekend with a Mega Bear Bash featuring Tim Jones joined by Tim Mc Loone.(june,1)
This year sees Bear Pride celebrate its 10th anniversary at Pulse, and it comes as no surprise that the bears are throwing a party worth roaring about.(june,2)
Eagle has his Carpet Burn's Diamond Jubilee Celebration with Jonny Kalifornia and Simon Kilner on the decks.(june,2)
East Bloc has his world celebration with the THEMENWHOFELL2EARTH ‘JUBILEE LANDING’ to dope the best beats and regal treats.
At Vauxhall , Barcode has a fresh new Sunday morning after party REBOUND ,
following the Booster 'Summer opening Party' at june,3 .
And we will not forget the Popcorn (at Heaven ) 'Rayal House Jubilee' op monday 4th , to celebrate her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee.
other News of London

London Pride 2024
The Pride in London Parade takes place on Saturday, 29 June 2024. This year the parade runs from Hyde Park Corner, through Piccadilly Circus, down Haymarket and along Pall Mall to Trafalgar Square, culminating at Whitehall .

Its a Sin
It is a new British television drama written by Russell T Davies and shot mainly in Birmingham to play out all the scenes in London's vibrant gay scene. This 5-part miniseries was set from 1981 and 1991 in London. And anyone who knows this period will already know the main subject of this mini-series: The rise of GRID and later known as AIDS.