22nd edition of Gay Pride Lille
Sunny day for the Lille Pride 2017.
Theme of 2017: LGBTI Rights, Human Rights, let us be more than ever proud.
In 2017 they claim Equality for LGBTI + people. We strongly condemn all LGBTI andphobic, serophobic, disabling, racist, xenophobic and antisemitic statements and acts. Strong in our Freedom of Expression, we march in support of all the victims of discrimination, their gender identity, their gay orientation, their appearance or their handicap. We are also marching to say our solidarity to migrants who are fleeing war, famine, death and demanding public policies from the country of Human Rights that they be welcomed in dignity and respect . We finally walk for all the people who can not.
Behind the leading flagbanner with the sponsor, elected and associate representatives will be open the parade. Then come the 'Fiertes Lille Pride' (Gay Pride Lille) charter, followed by the associations, then the cars of the shops sometimes shared by associations in alternation with the unions and the associations of prevention. A dozen cars, all sizes combined, is expected for this 22nd edition.
All the claims are in the double editorial at the beginning of the pride brochure and here, on this site.
Gathering Saturday 3rd June at 13:00, Place de la Place de la République.
source:markverb gaypride Lille
Theme of 2017: LGBTI Rights, Human Rights, let us be more than ever proud for this 22nd edition of Fiertes Lille Pride (Gay Pride Lille ) .
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