The Post Corona era of gay bars

The Post Corona era of gay bars

   Gay bars have been closed by government due to the Covid-19 lockdowns. Gays are almost locked up at home, no family, friends, encounters and loves.
Can we ever go to a gay bar again and what will this be like? The Post Corona era for the Gaybars.

Gays are becoming depressed about being alone. Some are lucky enough to meet a few more friends, but very limited. We are tired, but must continue.
When do gay bars, clubs and saunas open?
What will the gay pub look like in the Post Corona era and what at the opening.

We want to be clear first, the Cornovirus will stay around us for a while and our restriction in our freedom of life.
But the time will come when the bars, clubs and saunas will open again.
What will this look like and where can we still go.

We can forget about big festivals and prides in the summer of 2020.
There will be a limited gay scene opening but with limitations.

The bars will open for one purpose. To meet other friends .
An important rule quickly to the opening of the gay scene will be: Keep your distance.
(1.5 to 2 meters in some countries).

Several bar stools or chairs will be removed, urinals will be shielded and a limited number of visitors will be allowed to enter.

In some clubs, face masks will become mandatory when moving around the club, and drinking will be at a private fixed nook or table. They will be cleaned after each use.
Plexi screens may be on tables and on the bar.
Drinks will be served on the table.
Couples and a fixed group of friends will be allowed to sit together, others will have to sit separately.

A separate arrangement will be made or will be closed for the back rooms.

Visits to a club may only be by reservation. Know who is inside and stays inside. Hubs from pub to pub will be difficult for the time being. The advantage is that you will see your regular friends, at a distance. Who do we know better than our friends.
It is important to keep track of who we had contact with. There will be no discretion for a while.

In ordinary open-air bars, it will be a little less formal. You can enter but will have to keep your distance from each other. Talking to each other against plexiglass?

Everything is even more difficult for saunas. How to maintain social distancing in a steam bath or Wirlpool?
We already know that our loose free life from the past few months will be very limited.


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