Pride Month Berlin CSD 2024
Pride Month Berlin (PMB) was launched two years ago by the Berlin CSD e.V. to give more space to current issues in the queer community. A space for networking exchange, support and visibility . The theme this year is 'Only strong together – for democracy and diversity' ?
This year we have the 30th CSD BERLIN - (new name) Pride Month Berlin and will take place from June 28th – July 28th, 2024 - Pride Month Berlin (CSD demo parade July 27yh ) .
PMB kicks off with the historic 'Stonewall Day'– on June, 28th. For four weeks, we highlight events such as panels, meetings, parties, workshops, and community events in general. The crowning event of the PMB is the 46th demonstration on July, 27th.
This year 2024 , there main topics are queer in old age, sport , soccer, Islam, a strong queer network in Germany . In addition to many other offers from the queer community, everyone find a program on these topics.
Queer in old age
How do you actually grow old happily as a queer person? What needs do we queer people have in old age – also in comparison to heteronormative society?
PMB will highlight the challenges and experiences of the older LGBTQIA+ community and discuss topics such as isolation, medical care and the opportunities for intergenerational connections. They introduce associations, groups and activities and let older members of the community have their say. The focus is on networking, information and inspiration.
Sport / Football
The European Football Championship 2024 will take place this summer. All the more reason for us to include sport for the LGBTQIA+ community and professional sport as the theme of this year's Pride Month.
What challenges do LGBTQIA+ professional athletes still have to deal with today? What about inclusion in 2024? What sporting opportunities does the Berlin community offer in grassroots sport? Pride Month creates space to discuss these topics and highlights dates for all kinds of sporting activities for queer people in Berlin.
Islam and queer identity harbor a wide range of tensions. We present projects, places and personalities to show how Islam and a queer way of life can be united. We show the diversity in the Islamic community.
Strong queer network Germany!
Germany is moving to the right. What has long seemed abstract as a percentage of election results is becoming increasingly apparent in German politics and society. With the elections in eastern Germany this year, we are facing a major social challenge.
The 30th Stadtfest Berlin on 20th and 21th July is not part of CSD Berlin , but a very busy streetfestival in the gay area of Berlin with street fair , shows , stages and music. It is a week before the demo parade weekend .
source:CSD pride Berlin ev
other News of Berlin

FOLSOM EUROPE 2023 - 20th edition
The 20th edition will take place on Saturday September 9th, 2023 from 12:00-21:00 on Fuggerstr./Welserstr. We expect the street fair to be for all kind of f*tish people .

Life starts again - gaybars are open
It is early July allready and we wanna give you an update on the preparations for opening of the gaybars and clubs in Europe.Live is back and we all cannot wait to celebrate with our friends and enjoy the summer , but with care. The borders are open with conditions , we have the Vacinitation Travel Passport . Life starts again .