Successfully seventh Antwerp Pride 2014
Antwerp had Saturday its annual Antwerppride that culminated with gayparade through the oldtown in beautiful sunshine. There were 42 floats and groups, including a delegation of the Antwerp police for the first time in uniform and a police delegation from the Netherlands.
The parade was led by Roman-style chariot with four horses followed the rainbow flag and as many as 800 participants and on the way with an estimated 45,000 visitors.
On Steenplein there was outdoor party Wave with performances of famous DJs and singers. Visitors could also partying in the streetparty Terrassa at the MAS (Museum) and arround 23:00h visitors continue partying into the bathing boat with Super Gays and the many gayclubs in Antwerp.
Sunday was the closingday before cityhall headlining the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest, Conchita Wurst. A successful seventh Antwerppride rained despite on the closing party. The occurrence of Conchita Wurst was interrupted by a heavy rainfall. She thanks the public and Antwerp.
Next Antwerp Pride weekend on June 20, 2015 with the return of the boatsparty Navigaytion .
Antwerp had Saturday its annual Antwerppride that culminated with gayparade through the oldtown in beautiful sunshine.
Successfully seventh Antwerp Pride 2014
other News of Antwerpen

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