Pride Amsterdam 2020 cancelled due to corona crisis
Celebration of 25th edition of Pride Amsterdam postponed to 2021.
Pride Amsterdam 2020 cancelled due to corona crisis.
Pride Amsterdam is cancelled this year - due to the corona crisis. Unfortunately, the board of the Amsterdam Gay Pride (AGP) foundation had to take that decision with pain in her heart.
It is not responsible nor feasible to organize a large Pride festival this year.
The consequences of the corona crisis are too great. "We run into too many uncertainties and limitations," said AGP's outgoing chairman Frits Huffnagel. Moreover, organizing a Pride in a 1.5 meter society is also not feasible. Full street and square parties and hundreds of thousands of people on the quay and boats along the route, that is simply not possible at this time. "
Aspect that plays a part is that many organizations are involved in Pride Amsterdam. "Suppose the government will allow major events at the end of July, many partner organizers will no longer have a budget available for this.
LGBT entrepreneurs across the country are currently being hit hard by the crisis. Many will no longer have money to organize a Pride party or a beautiful boat in the parade. "
In close consultation with the municipality of Amsterdam, it was therefore decided to organize the 25th edition of Pride Amsterdam a year later in 2021.
"The AGP license, which is due to expire this year, will be extended by the municipality for a year, so that our organization can certainly organize the Pride in 2021."
The municipality is also financially supportive.
"A year without Pride Amsterdam is not a year without expenditure, but it is a year without income. That is why the municipality has decided that we can keep 80% of the subsidy amount to cover part of the loss in 2020. "
These are two decisions by the municipality of Amsterdam, which the Pride organization is very happy with. "Otherwise we wouldn't be able to survive the crisis," says Huffnagel. “Now we can take our responsibility and act carefully towards our own people, our participants and all parties involved who make Pride Amsterdam possible every year. Obviously I am heartbroken about not going ahead, but I also know that this is the only right decision we have been able to make. "
Participants who have managed to secure a place in the 25th boat parade remain assured of participation. They will not sail through the canals on August 1, 2020, but a year later on August 7, 2021.
"Visibility of sexual and gender diversity is very important for the emancipation of our community," says director Lucien Spee of Pride Amsterdam.
"We therefore cannot afford to skip a year. Together with the diversity department of the municipality, we will therefore investigate whether things can still be organized on a small scale. However, this also applies that the options will depend on the corona measures currently in force. "
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