5th CSD ANTWERP 2012
We are looking foward to celebrating the 5th Pride together with the city ,its inhabitants and government .
This is a special year , not only because it's the (5th) anniversary, but also because of the extensive programme and the first parade in a lonf time.
The parade with more then 14 groups will start at Hangar 41 (east) and go in line to the Wave Festival (north) on saturday 2AM to 4AM .
There is the open air Wave festival at the old Customs Building at the end of the parade .
A fantastic line-up of DJ's and live performances assure a fabulous afternoon and evening .
Many parties at the gay venues like Terrazza, Wave Festival , Shine , Rapido , Mezzo Giorno ,6th Hard Night , Sing Along and many more.
A spectacular closing festival at the Grote Markt (City Hall square) including acts by 2 Unmimited , Alexander Rybak and Teek.
With the offical WorldOUTgames anthem by Kate Ryan , they start the countdown to the World OutGames in 2013 .
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